
Subject:                    Safe Pass


Date of meeting:    20 October 2022




Agenda Item 45





Ward(s) affected:   All


Proposer:                 Councillor West

Seconder:                Councillor Hugh-Jones




Green Group



This council notes the:


a.    updated highway code rule 163 which states that drivers should give motorcyclists, horse riders and cyclists at least 1.5 metres when overtaking at a speed of up to 30mph and more space overtaking at higher speeds

b.    failure of communications from the Department for Transport  in outlining changes to the highway code which protects all road users. [1]

c.    significant and dangerous impact close passing by motorists can have on people travelling by cycle, horse or motorbike [2] [3]

d.    infrastructure improvements that have been proposed in the city’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)


This council resolves to request the:


1.    Chief Executive write to the Secretary of State for the Department for Transport asking them to do more with the Think! PR campaign to promote new highway code rules and distribute more funding to local authorities to enable them to introduce infrastructure to make all road users safer

2.    Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture liaise with taxi and bus providers calling on them to outline how they have promoted this rule change to their staff

3.    Chief Executive writes to the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership calling for an update and extension of their Safe Pass campaign.





Supporting Information:


·         61% of drivers not read updated Highway Code (

·         Police attribute "passing too close to the cyclist" as a contributory factor in a staggering 25% of serious collisions between cyclists and large vehicles.  (Too Close For Comfort | Cycling UK)

·         62% of people in the UK consider cycling on the roads ‘too dangerous’. (Too Close For Comfort | Cycling UK)